Do These 3 Things If You Keep Missing Deadlines At Work

Posted in CategoryCareer and Jobs
  • K
    Kemisola 2 years ago

    Deadlines make clear what we're expected to deliver and when. This means that we can take control of our work, free of confusion. Meeting deadlines, be it for work or personal, are important for your career progression and personal development and missing deadlines can cause a lot of unnecessary consequences.

    These 3 tips will help ensure you don’t miss your next deadline.

    1. Understand what is  required

    First, you need to understand exactly what the task involves. If your deadline is for a complicated task or project, take time to map out what work needs to be done.

    1. Plan the task early and try breaking them down into mini-goals.

    Think ahead. Make a clear plan from Day 1 with a mini-goal, even for the smallest task/goal. It is possible to spend too much time on the early tasks and end up having less time during the later stage, causing deadlines to be missed. So set mini goals with a clear process designed from the start.

    1. Get the Right Resources

    To meet your next deadline, make sure that you have what you need to get the job done promptly.


    Technical support, equipment, training, or materials should be ready and available in time.  If not, you may have to suggest a time extension.

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