Does your resume/CV pass the 6-second test?

Posted in CategoryCareer and Jobs
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    Ebunlomo 3 years ago

    Will your CV pass the six-second test? In today's competitive job market, it should come as no surprise that recruiters, hiring managers and other HR professionals are often pressed for time when reviewing the loads of job applications, they receive for each open position.


    Studies have shown that, on average, a recruiter scans each resume for only six seconds before deciding if it belongs in the trash. In other words, you only get six seconds to capture the hiring manager's attention and convince them you are the only professional for the job — that's a big task to complete in so little time.


    So, does your resume pass the six-second test? Ask yourself the following questions to find out.


    How often do my online job applications receive responses?

    If you're applying to jobs you're qualified for and rarely receive a response, then your CV may need some professional help. Most job applications must pass through software known as applicant tracking systems (ATS) before they make their way to the hiring manager. If you don't have an ATS-friendly, there's a good chance your application is getting stuck in these electronic filters and lost in the infamous resume black hole.


    Not sure if your CV can get through these electronic gatekeepers? A resume review can help with that it can also show you what the ATS sees when it scans your CV. With that information, you will be able to tailor your CV to beat the bots and get it in the hands of a human being. From there, you're one step closer to securing your dream job.


    Do recruiters contact me about positions that interest me?

    If recruiters regularly contact you about job opportunities in which you have no interest, then your CV may be sending mixed signals about your goals. A good CV is written with a specific job goal in mind. It should not only state your job target toward the top of the page, but the entire document should also be framed in a way that calls attention to your relevant qualifications. If you're interested in changing careers, getting back into a field you haven't been in for many years, or taking your career to the next level, your CV will need to be reconfigured to support this new goal.


    Does my CV pass the stranger test?

    If you were to have a random stranger review the top third of your CV for no more than 30 seconds, would they be able to easily identify your job goals and qualifications? If so, your CV is on the right track. If not, then your CV still needs some TLC. To ensure that a recruiter or hiring manager can easily identify your job goals, qualifications, and expertise, you need to format your resume in a way that lays out those details early on. You most likely want to use a hybrid CV format with a professional summary at the top. Not sure what that means or if you're doing it correctly? Our review can tell you if you're on the right track — or you can work with one of our professional writers to ensure you have a resume that works for you.


    Have I optimized my CV with keywords?

    Every industry has its own set of terms that describe their field. Applicant tracking systems are programmed to look for these CV keywords to rank your application and determine if you're a good fit for the role. To make it past these initial reviews, it's important to incorporate relevant keywords throughout your CV. Make sure to sprinkle them in your professional summary, your areas of expertise and throughout your experience. Not sure how to seamlessly add them? Use the article linked here to learn more or submit your CV for a review.


    Am I emphasizing my achievements?

    Depending upon how your CV is worded, you may come across as a “doer” rather than an “achiever.” This is something employers — and CV writers — are always looking out for. Take a second look at how you describe your work experience and make sure you're emphasizing the results you've achieved, rather than the tasks you've been assigned. If you're having trouble wording your contributions or quantifying your accomplishments, you may want to ask a professional resume writer for advice.


    Does my digital footprint match my CV?

    It's not enough to have a killer CV. Employers also expect you to tell a consistent story about your work experience and job goals online. 93 per cent of recruiters will review your online presence before they decide to interview you. But what exactly does "online presence" mean? From your social media profiles, like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, to a personal website or portfolio, anything a recruiter can find if they search for you is part of your online presence. That's why you need to make sure your online presence is cohesive and supports your career goals.


    Start by googling yourself to see what comes up, cleaning out irrelevant information, fixing the privacy settings on profiles you don't want a recruiter to see and creating an online narrative that fits your goals. Also, make sure your LinkedIn profile not only supports your career goals but is also setting you apart from other candidates. You want to make sure recruiters can find you — and are impressed with what they see. Our LinkedIn profile makeover service can help you do just that.


    Make a lasting impression with your CV

    At the end of the day, you still only have about six seconds to make your case to the hiring manager. But using the tips above, coupled help from a professional CV writer will ensure that your CV will pass this test and help you get to the next round. Don't let mere seconds be the reason you don't land your dream job.


    Source: Oluwa-Florence Okoro


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