How to Tell Your Boss You Have Too Much Work — While being objective

Posted in CategoryCareer and Jobs
  • K
    Kemisola 2 years ago

    Seek advice

    Before having a conversation with your lead about the amount of work you have, first speak to someone you trust. Be honest with them — and yourself. Ask questions like “Is this timeline realistic?” and “Am I managing my time correctly?” The goal is to challenge yourself and gain an outsider's perspective to determine if you're truly overworked.

    Have a deliberate approach

    You want to be deliberate in your approach, not impulsive. For example, rather than stopping your boss as he’s heading out to lament the amount of work you do, it’s better to schedule a meeting.

    Really, no matter how stressed you’re feeling, it’s important to take a step back from your emotional state and properly plan for a conversation about having too much work.

    Don’t Complain, seek solutions

    Expressing dissatisfaction with your situation without offering a way to fix the problem is complaining. But when you view the problem as a real and solvable issue, suddenly you’re not just griping; you’re problem-solving. You’re having a conversation with your boss wherein you identify a solution that’ll ultimately improve the productivity of your work.

    Use the right words

    Instead of saying:

    “I feel like I’m being asked to do more than my co-workers and I don’t think that’s fair.”

    Try this:


    “I’ve been having some trouble keeping up with the amount of things on my table right now, and was hoping we could talk about my role in (insert said role) and (other work descriptions), since these tasks are taking up a significant amount of time.”

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