Tips to Help You Lose Your Negative Attitude at Work

Posted in CategoryCareer and Jobs
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    Bunmi Mercy 3 years ago

    1. No problem, No fixing:

    Often times we see problems that do not exist, you may not like the way thing are been done in your workplace and believe there's a better way to do it but that doesn't mean your judgment is correct. Before you act take a moment to think about it. Ask yourself if your way is really better or is it just a different way of doing things.


    2. Complain Through the Proper Channels:

    Never complain to your co-worker as it usually leads to negativity. Know your chain of command and appropriate employee in your organization with whom to discuss your concerns.


    3. Give Constructive Criticism:

    Criticisms are welcomed, but If you want to do more than that and really help affect change, you should have some ideas on how to channel your criticism for effective change.


    4. Offer help:

    If you point out a problem and present a list of possible solutions, get ready to help implement them. This will demonstrate to your boss that you have a stake in making improvements that will benefit the company.


    3. Fair Treatment for all employees

    Ensure that employees are treated fairly, the same rule that applies to one must apply to all, do not bend to favour or grant one soft landing then be extremely rigid to others, this is one way to brew negativity or toxicity in a workplace. Treat people as adults with fairness and consistency. Avoid favoritism by applying the same standard of accountability and system of rewards on all employees.


    4. Provide Opportunity for Growth

    Afford people the opportunity to grow and develop. Allow a level playing ground for career growth in the organization, create opportunities for training, recognize and appreciate the good work of your employees and let them earn their promotions most especially when they deserve it.


    Source: HRLeverage 

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