Title: What to do when you can’t get work done in time

Posted in CategoryCareer and Jobs
  • K
    Kemisola 3 years ago

     Sometimes, I wish there were more hours in the day but since I can’t control time, what I do is control my productivity.If you want to be more productive with work, I’ll hook you up with these simple tips:

     Discover your zone/flow

    You must have noticed that at specific hours you are as focused as an eagle and your productivity increases. It happens when your head is in total harmony with other external factors. So why not do the greater part of your work during this period! Think about it.

     Do the hardest tasks first

    I always try to get those difficult tasks out of the way first so that the rest of my day is freed to complete other smaller tasks. Not only will this make you feel better, you’ll be much more productive too.

     Quit multitasking

     People usually think that they’re getting more done by multitasking, but in reality, going back and forth from task to task doesn’t make you productive in any way. In fact, trying to perform two tasks simultaneously will worsen the situation.

     Put your headphones in

     Hol’up! It’s a trick and it works!!!! Whether you want to play some music or not is up to you but people are far less likely to disturb your work flow if they see that you’re lost in your headphones and music.

    Have any more tips? Don’t hoard it like indomieeeen. Why not share it in the comment section!

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