Why You're Not Getting Promoted (And What to Do About It)

Posted in CategoryCareer and Jobs
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    Kemisola 2 years ago

    Promotions aren’t just a reward for an employee—they’re opportunities for both the company and the employee to grow, improve, or impact an area of the organization. This means that to apply or be considered for a promotion, there are specific things to note and do right….

    Let’s talk about why you haven’t been promoted yet….


    You’re assuming you deserve/ are worthy of a promotion

    Earning a promotion takes so much more than just time on the job—it means exceeding your job requirements and developing the higher-level skills you’ll need to take on a new role.

    You don’t have the skills needed to move up in your company

    Think about the requirements of the promotion you want. Success in your current role might not translate to success in your desired position without the right skills.


    When you focus on all the reasons why you won’t get the promotion, you are solidifying the belief that you are not deserving of it.

    You don’t take initiative in your current role

    The truth? You can’t act like an employee with minimal investment in a company and expect to be promoted to management.

    Wondering what to do next? These tips would help you:

    Make yourself indispensable to your boss

    If you make yourself indispensable to your organization, they’re more likely to want to promote you and keep you around.

    Build your professional support network

    Put time and effort into building relationships within the company and avoid burning any bridges. You never know who might influence that final decision?

    Communicate your professional goals

    Your boss can help you achieve your goals by giving you opportunities, holding you accountable, and keeping you in mind the next time a promotion comes up.

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