This is why a calendar is more effective than a to-do list

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    Henry Akingboye 2 years ago

    Like with anything, to-do lists can get out of control quickly, and can end up counteracting your productivity. 

    If you find that you always overestimate how much you can get done in a day, an effective approach is to put your to-dos on your calendar, just like a meeting. Rather than outlining your daily to-dos onto a list, schedule them, leaving enough time to each one. 

    Living in your calendar means scrapping your list and scheduling your pending tasks into your calendar, instead. If your to-dos cause you more problems than you'd like, this could be your solution.

    Calendars make scheduling a breeze. Let’s say that you include “Meeting with Ayo” in your to-do-list. You still must contact Ayo and then exchange communications until everyone agrees on a date and time. But if you shared your calendar with her, Ayo could see your availability and pick a date and time that works for her.

    Calendars can help create habits

    If you want to start developing healthy habits your calendar can achieve that. For example, if you want to read or watch a tutorial for 30-minutes a day, adding those to your calendar will make you more consistent. Whenever you complete a desired task, you can cross that day off your calendar.

    You can use your calendar to accomplish goals

    It’s one thing to jot down that you want to learn an additional skill or expand your business. It’s another to be specific and have deadlines. If you want to apply to new jobs, then you should set a deadline for each task needed to reach that goal in your calendar.

    Your calendar is better at helping you remember tasks and reminders

    Instead of remembering a million tasks and setting reminders, your calendar can remind you of these items, such as when you’re meeting with a client, a prospective employer or when a bill is due. It’s an effective way to keep you on-track.


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