Posted in CategoryGeneral
  • B
    Bunmi Mercy 3 years ago

    “IN THE END… We only regret the chances we didn’t take, the relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make.”

    -Lewis Carroll



    Sometimes our greatest regrets in life aren’t the things we’ve done, rather they are:

    v the chances we had and did not take,

    v the opportunities that came and we weren’t prepared for,

    v the decisions we took so long to make and

    v the actions we were afraid to take.


    Today, don’t hesitate to make that decision, take that opportunity and start again, because it may just be the starting point of something great.


    Nothing is more expensive than a missed opportunity.



  • J
    Joseph 3 years ago

    In the end,  I believe fear is the cause of most missed opportunities as well... 

    People are afraid to dive into the unknown, probably due to past experiences of what has occurred before...

    But, we should be brave enough to take the chances that appear before us...

  • H
    Harris andreson 2 years ago

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