Microsoft Office shortcut keys

Posted in CategoryTechnical Queries
  • B
    Bunmi Mercy 3 years ago

    Microsoft office packages are application software the enables communication and improves business productivity. To be productive, you need to be capable of accomplishing more with little time. Getting familiar with Microsoft office shortcut keys provides you the opportunity to save time. Rather than locating the toolbar to underline a text, or locating home to save a document, I can alternatively press Control + U or Control + S to underline and save respectively. Time saving right?


    Here are the shortcut keys for each alphabet using the Control function:


    Control +       A         = Highlight entire text

    Control +       B         = Bold text

    Control +       C         = Copy text

    Control +       D         = Open font formatting dialogue box

    Control +       E         = Centralize text

    Control +       F          = Find text

    Control +       G         = Go to a page

    Control +       H         = Replace text

    Control +       I           = Italicize text

    Control +       J          = Justify text

    Control +       K         = Insert hyperlink dialogue box

    Control +       L         = Align text to the left

    Control +       M        = Start a paragraph from the left

    Control +       N         = Create new document

    Control +       O         = Open existing document

    Control +       P          = Print document

    Control +       Q         = Remove paragraph

    Control +       R         = Align text to the right

    Control +       S          = Save document

    Control +       T         = Hangs a paragraph

    Control +       U         = Underline Text

    Control +       V         = Paste Text

    Control +       W        = Close document

    Control +       X         = Cut text

    Control +       Y         = Redo an action

    Control +       Z         = Undo an action


    The shortcut above are specfic to MS Word, but some of them (bold, underline, Italic) are generally applicable to MS Word, MS Exel etc. So next time you want to perform a function, don’t forget to make use of the shortcut keys. The more you use them, the more you get familiar with them. Do you agree?

  • G
    Gyeyok Peter Haruna 3 years ago

    Yes I agree! Now I can work faster and smarter. Thank you!

  • R
    Rimi sen 1 month ago



    Here are some commonly used Microsoft Office shortcut keys:

    1. Ctrl + S: Save
    2. Ctrl + C: Copy
    3. Ctrl + X: Cut
    4. Ctrl + V: Paste
    5. Ctrl + Z: Undo
    6. Ctrl + Y: Redo
    7. Ctrl + A: Select all
    8. Ctrl + B: Bold
    9. Ctrl + I: Italic
    10. Ctrl + U: Underline
    11. Ctrl + F: Find
    12. Ctrl + H: Replace
    13. Ctrl + P: Print
    14. Ctrl + N: New document/workbook
    15. Ctrl + O: Open document/workbook
    16. Ctrl + W: Close document/workbook
    17. Ctrl + F4: Close active window
    18. Ctrl + Semicolon (;): Insert current date
    19. Ctrl + Colon (:): Insert current time
    20. Ctrl + Shift + Arrow keys: Select text or cells
    21. Ctrl + Page Up/Page Down: Switch between sheets in Excel
    22. Ctrl + Tab/Shift + Ctrl + Tab: Switch between open documents/workbooks
    23. Ctrl + Home/End: Move to beginning/end of document/worksheet

    These shortcuts can vary slightly depending on the version of Microsoft Office you are using.

    Mic Test

  • J
    Jasica 3 weeks ago

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  • J
    Jasica 2 weeks ago

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