Course Description

The pandemic has adversely affected a lot of the households and businesses, thus, the need for external cheap and flexible funding.

Here is what you will be getting:

  • A step by step explanation of the Application Forms for household and business for the N50Billion relief fund
  • A model response to the application questions 
  • Common Pitfalls you should avoid
  • Other funding options you should consider 
  • Loans for the agricultural sector 
  • Loans for women only
  • Loan options for all kind of businesses.

Who should buy the course: 

  • Household e.g. If you lost your job or your salary was slashed
  • Existing businesses seeking for funding to purchase an asset 
  • Existing businesses seeking funding for working capital 
  • Existing businesses seeking for funding for expansion 
  • Existing business seeking for funding to increase productivity


The Techy Accountant
Lefort Consulting